11 Self-improvement ideas to become a better person in 2023

Coming up with some self-improvement goal ideas is a great beginning to a fresh start. I mean, we all have to start somewhere.

2023 is the year that we get better and do better. We are all working to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.

Creating healthy habits, promoting self-growth, setting new goals; self-improvement is the ultimate goal to truly living a healthy and happy life.

This post is all about self-improvement and how we can make 2023 the best year of our lives.

Simply put, self-improvement is the process of making life changes for the better.

This is a balancing act. You should go into this looking to improve on each area of your life, even if just 1% at a time.

The reason balance is so important is because it can and will be a long and potentially painful journey, and if you are solely focused on just one area, it can cause burnout. That is what we are trying to prevent in 2023. I know you do not want another year to go by where you set all of these goals that you don’t stick with. I know I don’t want that for myself either.

Take the time to write down what you can approve on in each area of your life and define what that looks like to you. From there you can make the necessary adjustments that will take you were you want to go.

11 self-improvement ideas to help you become a better YOU.

Create a self-care routine.

One of the easiest things to leave on the back burner is our own self-care. Taking the time out of your day, week or month to rejuvenate yourself is one of the biggest ways to start the self-improvement process.

The reason it is a good idea to make self-care a routine is because that will make it more likely that your tank is consistently being filled.

Though the goal is self-improvement, a consistently filled tank also means more of yourself that you can give to others. And I think that is very important.

Create a weekly reset routine.

A weekly reset is a necessity. All of the things that piled up throughout the week, all of the things that you know you have to get done in the week to come. Taking a day each week to take care of it, and plan for what’s to come can be just as important as anything else you do in life.

One thing we all know is that life can get away from us sometimes, so when you take a day to be intentional, it can be the one thing that keeps you going. Maybe you use the time to prep your meals for the week or fold the laundry that we all throw in a chair throughout the week. it could be that you like to sit down with your planner and map out your every move, or deep clean your house until it looks brand new. Maybe it is all of that and more. I believe that routines are important, especially if you are on this journey to improve your life. It stops you from going through life with no purpose.

Establish everyday routines.

As we have noticed, I am big on routines. That is because as a person who could easily just let life be what it is, if I want to become a better person, truly live a life of purpose, routine is the one thing that will keep me on track. Keeping on a schedule, whether it is a timetable, or I simply say “as long as you get each of these items done each day” both work for me. If I don’t keep track of my daily agenda or “goals” then like I stated before, life can easily get away from me. So, having small daily “to do’s” or goals is a great way to keep you on track if you are anything like me.

Read more books this year.

Self-improvement looks like a lot of things. Reading some personal development, self-growth, budgeting books, just to name a few, is a great way to start. We can’t do it on our own knowledge and understanding. If that was the case, we would all be past looking for ways to work on self-improvement.

Reading expands more than just your knowledge in a standard way, but it develops your critical thinking skills, as well as communication skills. It helps you to see things outside of your own perspective. If only you can see that this world is big. Just as you see people living a life that is “seemingly” better than yours, there are people living a life that is or was worse. There are plenty of people out there who have told their stories, and they give us a roadmap that we wouldn’t have otherwise.

On a personal note, I simply just love to read because sometimes I need a break from the real world. So, if that is your reason, that’s okay too. You are still getting the same benefits.

Listen to some self-improvement podcasts.

Whereas books cost (in most cases), most podcasts are free. What I love about podcasts other than what I just mentioned, is that they are more casual and conversational. I love listening to people talk about their experiences. In many cases you can also hear the real personality come out and it makes it feel more honest and attainable.

Podcasts are great because there are people out there with amazing stories to tell that are better talkers than they are writers. You can hear the authenticity, the power and the intimacy behind the words spoken out loud than you would have if you were just reading it.

Do some decluttering.

If you are a keeper of things, this is for you. Sometimes our brain function can correlate with how cluttered our space is. I don’t know if that’s scientifically correct. All I know is it sounds true, and that is definitely the case for me.

When things are too cluttered, and everything does not have its own space, my life feels a mess. You may function better if you get rid of some things. Those things that are in the back of your closet that you have not pulled out in years. The things in your drawers and cabinets and pantry that you do not wear, use or eat anymore, its time sis.

Not only will this free up space for the things that you actually need, but it gives a huge wave of relief to be free of things that you have been holding on to, which is also a microcosm of life.

Know your core values.

Core values could be considered a staple in this idea of self-improvement. When you know what you value in yourself and in your relationships, it gives you the power to stand up for yourself and what is important to you.

Staying true to your core values are what will develop you into the human being that you can love and respect.


Devotionals are a great guidepost to navigating your spiritual journey. They can be great at providing wisdom and inspiration. Especially in these different areas that we are trying to grow in. Devotionals can be a great way for us to make sure as we are working on self-improvement, we are doing it in a way that is honest and faithful.

Daily positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations are a great way to open you up to the confidence that lives within you. The confidence that is just buried beneath a well of learned negative thoughts and behaviors.

There is a saying that goes: whether you think you can, you can. And if you think you can’t, you can’t. What you say matters! If you are constantly thinking negatively or internalizing those thoughts, that is how you will live your life. But if you speak power over your life and continuously remind yourself of your strength, your subconscious mind will believe them and eventually, they will become a part of your reality.

Here are some general affirmations you can tell yourself daily:

  • I am God’s child, which means I am capable of anything I put my mind to.
  • I am worthy.
  • I am whole.
  • I am loved.
  • I am free.
  • I am confident.
  • I am grateful.
  • I attract good things into my life.

Try something new.

Trying new things will be the thing to get you out of your comfort zone and help you grow. Always staying within your wheelhouse, or your box of comfortability for lack of better words, will keep you stagnant. You will never know how much more there is in this world if you never experience more than what you already know.

A journey to self-discovery.

This is a journey into your own personal beliefs and insight into your character. How you would define who you are in your core. Your values, your identity, your presence; this is a journey that opens you up to your vulnerabilities and teaches you how to take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. It will teach you how to show up for yourself, express yourself, and step outside of your comfort zone, even when everything in you wants to stay hidden from the world.

You will learn who you are on a deeper level. Your desires, your principles, your life’s purpose, these are some of the things that we should all strive to have a connection with.

Drink more water.

Have you ever heard people say, “I drink my water and mind my own business”. It’s meant to be funny, but it’s also very much real. Drinking more water sounds extremely simple but it is just as important. Water is one of the main things that keeps our bodies working well and helps us to stay healthy and energized. While we are working on our mental and emotional stability, we should be making sure our physical is well kept. Water is a great start.

This post is all about self-improvement and how we are looking to make 2023 not just a year that we survive, but a year that we live. Everyone is into self-care and making adjustments these days. Lets make it not just something we talk about, but something that we live and strive for.