Make your 2024 a powerful one.

2024 -Two thousand twenty-four. The end of one phase and the beginning of another.

I made a lot of promises to myself in 2023 that I didn’t keep. It was going to be the best one yet. Self-care, self-improvement, self-discovery, those were the goals. Although I accomplished some of those goals; for the most part, it was another year of New Year’s resolutions that did not come to pass.

I know what it’s like to set high expectations where the end result is a lot of unfulfilled goals. This year we are going to focus less on setting a long list of goals that will go unsatisfied. Instead, we will set a few big goals that we can grow with throughout the year.

What I will continue to stand ten toes down on, is focusing on our self. Not in a selfish way but in a way in which we grow our state of mind, physically, mentally and emotionally.

You are more than your past. 2024 is ready for you to be your most powerful self. You are capable.

This post is all about 2024 and how we will create consistent and meaningful habits.

In 2023 I made my first “23 in 2023” type of goal list. Ask me how many of these goals I accomplished? 5 and about two halves.

What happened to the other 18-ish? Well, that is a good question and something I have asked myself a thousand times.

I started 2023 off with a bang. I was accomplishing my goals, I was working on myself -creating healthier habits -physically, mentally and emotionally, and then I allowed a few bad apples and circumstances to throw me off track.

2024 will be a better year. Let’s make a deal…if circumstances beyond our control start to feel as if they are taking over, we will roll with the punches and keep it pushing. Let’s not give up this time. Let us not take the punches lying down. Let’s not find out what it feels like to let ourselves down again.

The years tend to fly by a lot faster than we imagine they will. One day we are saying “tomorrow” and then the next day we realize the year is gone. So, one day soon, preferably before January ends, you should take some time out of your day and make a game plan. I want you to sit down and really acknowledge where things took a turn, and why you let it get so far off track. Acknowledge it, but don’t dwell on it.

Don’t stress yourself out trying to be the perfect person. Life can be overwhelming at times, but the power is in your own hands to master your life, and if it means slowing down and recognizing that you need a break, then do that.

“Just breath. You are strong enough to handle your challenges, wise enough to find your problems, and capable enough to do whatever needs to be done.”

-Lori Deschene

Rather than making an end goal with no guidelines, you should make small goals that will get you to where you want to be. So, instead of saying “I want to lose 50lbs”, make a goal of exercising 2-4 times a week. Also try changing small eating habits each month. Use this 2024 year to make small goals that will end up constituting to big wins.

Try starting off the 2024 year with less clutter. If you find yourself with a space full of things that you do not need or have not used in a really long time, get rid of it. Not only will decluttering your space remove all unnecessary distractions, but it can also have a huge impact on your habits and behaviors.

You wouldn’t even imagine how sleep impacts your mind, body and performance. Sleep is essential for your physical and mental well-being and contributes to your overall health.

If you are a person that eats out more often than not *raises hand* then you should try setting some ground rules. Take it one step at a time. Maybe one month you just reduce your takeout down to once a week, and then the next month you do no takeout at all. Try small steps and see what will stick.

Not only will eating out less give your body a break from all the processed foods, but it will also make your wallet very happy. Taking this one step at a time could and should help in multiple areas of your life.

Every aspect of your life holds a space for a reason; instead of putting so much weight in one place, and trying to make it perfect, give a bit of yourself to each area. You may give more in one area one day than you do in the next, and you may not pour into another area for a week as much as you do in another, but the important thing is you are making space for the things in your life that matter to you.

This reason I feel balance is important is because you may find yourself putting all of your focus on one thing, i.e. your physical health; but then you let everything else in your life fall through the cracks. What do you have now? A healthy body, which is great, but now you’re mentally defeated, or your relationships are no longer, or your finances have plummeted.

I’ve been there done that. I would never want to be in a position where I let everything else go because I was so laser focused in just one area. I failed almost all of my classes one semester when I was in college and was put on academic probation. I almost lost all of my financial assistance, my job, my friends. This was years ago but I always remember that time in my life, when I thought only one thing was important and I let everything else go.

Take it from someone who had to claw her way out of that. Do not put yourself in a situation where you lose yourself in one thing and instead of finding some balance in your life.

Try journaling. Take time to dump your thoughts and emotions onto paper. Sometimes all it takes to release any feelings you are holding onto is to write it down.

Read more personal development. You owe it to yourself to do all that you can to grow and reading more can help you become wiser, more confident, and more successful. It is also a way to learn new things and gain valuable information that you can apply to your daily life.

Positive affirmations. Remind yourself everyday who you are.

  • I am capable of anything that I put my mind to.
  • I am healthy.
  • I attract abundance into my life.
  • I deserve all good things that come my way.

How you talk to yourself is a declaration of what you desire to be true. Speak with good intentions and good things will flow to you.

Take some time for yourself. Whether you give yourself a full day or you assign yourself 10 minutes out of each day, take some time to gather yourself. If you are a giver, you need to make sure you are constantly refueling your own personal tank.

This post is all about making 2024 the most powerful one yet. You are going to leave past right where it is, in the past. Take some time for yourself to figure out your next steps and how you want 2024 to go. Set some guideline goals and be realistic about what you have the capability and capacity to get done. You are human so you want to be compassionate with yourself. But also, you are powerful, so don’t lower your standards or sell yourself short.

Every day is a good day to make a change. If you find yourself in a slump one day, try not to stay there. Every day that you are blessed to see is another day to walk in your purpose.