About Sheaundi


My name is Sheaundi, and I am passionate about helping others create a space of peace, both physically and mentally, in a world that just always seems so chaotic.

When life gets hard, I want you to be kind to yourself AND have grace with yourself. It won’t always be easy; believe me I know. But you are so worth it, and you are worth making yourself and your peace of mind a priority.

Here you will find self-care tips, “how to’s” on creating healthy habits, reminders of your worth, and a few other goodies here and there to show you that it is also okay to relax and enjoy life as you go.

Sincerely Sheaundi

Living on Purpose: Original

You were created with a purpose in mind.

Before the world even thought of you, He had already constructed and designed

This uniquely beautiful being destined for such a time.

You are a world changer, a thought leader.

Your purpose is far greater than you could ever imagine.

Your gifts, your talents, your creativity, your passion,

Your strength, your courage, your love, your compassion

It’s rooted in your spirit in such a fashion,

that the world needs YOU.

No one else can do it like you do.

Your experiences and all that you have been through,

They are what make you authentically you.

Artist, doctor, preacher, pastor, whatever the avenue.

You are called to carry out the plan that God has for you.

He called you because he knew that you could handle it.

Even when the world tries to crucify you for your past sins,

Remember that God’s grace will always outlast them.

It won’t be easy and some days you may want to give up

But in the middle of those storms lie the existence of your purpose.

You’ll wonder at times if you even matter

but I promise, with you in it, this world is so much better.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes, but please don’t wait too long,

There is someone out there just waiting for you to get where you belong,

Release the fear, remove the doubt, where you are weak, He is strong.

Live on purpose and be bold in your walk because where you are going is where you were meant to be all along.

-Sincerely Sheaundi