The nightly routine that every girl needs.

You wouldn’t imagine how important it is to create a nightly routine if you never had one. They set a tone for the night that is, in my opinion, incomparable.

Imagine metaphorically washing the stress of the day away.

Most of us probably have busy lives, whether you have school, go to work, are taking care of your families, and so on. One way or another we are pretty busy doing all of the things. After all of that we just want a good night sleep that isn’t restless, and anxiety filled.

So, after you settle everyone and everything else that needs to be settled. Take care of you!

Create a nightly routine in 7 steps

Number one

Don’t hate me for this one! Straighten up your bedroom a little bit. Now, I don’t mean a full on deep clean, but pick up your dirty clothes from the floor. Hang your clean clothes up, or at least throw them in the chair in the corner. Throw any trash away that may have accumulated during the day.

The goal here is just to have peace of mind in a space that looks a little less decluttered…and it makes us feel good when things are clean.

Number two

I am mainly throwing this one in here for all of you planners. I am not a super structured hour by hour planner at this point in my life, but if you are a very busy/structured person and have to write everything down, I would do it now. Before it is time to wind down and get ready for bed, set some time to write down your goals and “to do’s” for tomorrow.

Number three

I love a good night shower!! Everyone has their own preferences; some like night, some prefer mornings, and some people have to do both. As for me, as long as I can shower at night before I get in the bed, I am set!

If you endure a lot of stress during your day, or you carry a lot of emotions for any given reason, a night shower may be calling your name.

Not only is the water going to wash it all away, but if you’re anything like me, it will also relax your body enough to be ready for bed.

Number four

A good skincare routine is also key; it just simply makes you feel good. Though, it does not have to be super deep or expensive. My skincare routine consists of:

  • Cleanser
  • hydrating toner
  • hydrating serum
  • moisturizer
  • hydrating eye cream

Number five

Now comes the work! It’s not bad I promise. We took care of our bodies, now let’s take care of our minds.


I recently started journaling. I’d tried it in the past but didn’t like it because I didn’t know what to write about. If you are anything like me, you know what I mean. What you can do is write based on prompts instead of trying to freestyle and then eventually you tend to drift into what is hidden away in the back of your mind. Either way it’s good to do a little nightly mind dump just to clear those things that are weighing on you. Just get rid of it all.

5 benefits of journaling.

  • reduces stress and anxiety.
  • self-discovery.
  • induces creativity.
  • processes emotions.
  • encourages intellectual thinking.

Number six

I would recommend finding a book (preferably nonfiction) and read a chapter. We expand our knowledge and our intellect by reading, and if you are reading something positive and/or informative right before you go to sleep, your mind is subconsciously remembering and internalizing those things.

Number seven

This is almost going to be my favorite time of the night. It’s time to relax!! I personally love lighting a candle; a warm scented candle at night, especially during cold winter nights, is unbeatable. Go ahead and settle down, if you are able.


If you like to put on a T.V. show at the end of the night to just unwind, DO THAT! Don’t be so hard on yourself that you think everything has to be and sound perfect. Throw on your favorite show and watch an episode or two. Again, me personally, it will be something light, because I know whatever I take in last before falling asleep will be forefront of my mind. So, if you want to switch this part with your reading time, I completely understand!

Understand THIS

I want you guys to understand me when I say this. Having a nightly routine is NOT just to sound cute, or to create a blog post.

Anger, sadness, depression, irritability…these things are REAL, and coming from someone who has dealt with and is still dealing with some of these things, you WANT to create a routine. A nighttime routine so that you can maximize your sleep and daytime routine to set the tone is essential.

You may add some things, or subtract some things, but it is important for you to create the habits and a nightly routine that works for you so that you can have as much created peace of mind as possible.

You are worth it.

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