Overcoming Overwhelming

When life feels like It’s weighing you down and things become overwhelming, remember that you are far stronger than you think you are. You will get through this.

You have authority over your day and your life. Don’t let the trials and tribulations win.

I am Christian and I believe in God, so the saying “let your test be your testimony” is something that I have always thought important.

Overcoming overwhelm is something that I am and have gone through. Especially when you think you have it all together, or at least you are starting to, and then things just begin to creep up on you.

You are not alone in this. Overwhelm is something that everyone goes through, it is about how we pick up the pieces and get through it. I am hoping that we can do this together.

When things become overwhelming.

You’ve made goals, you’ve mapped out your year, you are ready to get things done and then life happens. Whether it is one big thing or little things that add up, it can all become a little overwhelming. These things have made you want to put a halt to all of the progress that you were making. You feel unmotivated because why keep trying when things keep happening. It’s okay to be feeling all of those feelings. The most important thing is that you do not get stuck there.

It is very easy to press the breaks for one day, then one week, and before you know it, everything that you have planned for and dreamed of has been put on the back burner.

What is causing you to become overwhelmed?

It is important to recognize those triggers. Even when those little things add up, you can usually recognize the pattern of what causes the scale to tip.

You can take a moment to write out some lists.

  • What causes me to become overwhelmed?
  • Is it a combination of things or am I normally overwhelmed in a specific area of my life?
  • Is it a person? A place? A thing?
  • Am I overwhelmed financially, spiritually, emotionally, mentally?

Knowing what causes you to become overwhelmed is important because who really likes to feel this way? Who likes feeling the weight of the world on them? Who likes being stressed?

If we can pinpoint the moments in our lives that we begin to feel it the most, then we can make the necessary adjustments.

Take a moment to BREATHE.

I won’t say that everything is going to be okay because in this moment it may not feel like it. Also, that may not be what you want to hear. What I will say though is that it will get better, and you will get on the other side of this moment. Take a moment to breathe. Release all of the negative and unnecessary thoughts and emotions. Inhale and exhale, and then take control.

Go for a walk.

When things get too overwhelming for me, I love to go out in nature and just walk. It has nothing to do with weight loss or working out-although that is a benefit. A lot of times I do it for my mental stability. Being outside in the light of day and the beauty of the natural world just does something for me. Breathing in the air, letting the sunshine on my body gives me a release that I can’t get anywhere else.

Give yourself some “UNPLUG” time.

Social media alone can get pretty overwhelming. It’s easy to get caught up in scrolling and before you know it, it has been hours. That can easily be time allotted to get other things done on our to do lists as well as using that time toward marking our goals. Not only can it be time consuming, but we can also get caught up in watching other people live their lives all while we are comparing ourselves to those on a screen.

That is probably worse for me. Watching other people live a life that looks free of complications. We all know that highlight reels are a living thing, but it doesn’t make a difference when you are right in the middle of your “overwhelm” and you see other people having what looks like the time of their lives.

We want to be careful of that. Living a life of comparison. That is a dangerous road to go down. You are amazing in your own right and you will come up with a plan, and make it happen.

Ask for help.

Being overwhelmed is natural especially when life takes over and you find yourself having to show up wholly in multiple areas of your life. If you are in a position to ask for help, do that. Don’t let pride or ego, or whatever else you may be feeling stop you from asking for help.

Take it one day at a time.

When you are feeling overwhelmed sometimes the only thing that you can do is take it one day at a time. You can only think about what you will get done today, and you will worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes. That is okay. You don’t always have to have everything together.

Life is hard enough and sometimes it takes all of your energy to get through the day without feeling bad that you haven’t pulled out your meat to thaw for tomorrow. It’s okay to pull it out early the next morning because by the time you are ready to cook dinner it should be nice and thawed (we’re not really talking about meat here you guys).

All I want you to do is recognize that it is okay to take it one day at a time in those moments of your life that you are feeling too overwhelmed.

Be KIND to yourself.

You owe it to yourself to release those things that you are holding on to. Don’t get so caught up in trying to be perfect; I can tell you, from my experience, when you don’t meet the mark (of perfection) it can leave you feeling down and depressed.

Be bold in your love for yourself. Be so kind to yourself that you exude it. From there you can set a trend that self-care is not just a fad. The more you care for yourself, the more kindness you show for yourself, the more you grow from the inside out, is the more you can show others how to be just as bold as you. You are HEALING.

Remember that you are not alone.

Your feelings are absolutely valid, hear me when I say this. You are not alone in this though; you Shouldn’t go through life thinking that the world is against you. I promise others around you may be feeling just as overwhelmed as you. Not to say that It’s good that other people are going through difficult times, I just want you to know that you don’t have to go through it alone.

Final thoughts

This post is all about overcoming overwhelming. You have begun to feel all of the weight of your life bearing down on you, and it has all started to feel like a bit much. Not only are you not alone but you can get through this. This is not a permanent feeling or place.

Just remember to take whatever steps you need and make the necessary adjustments that will get you on the other side of the overwhelm. Whether it be going for a walk, asking for help, having a self-care day or all of the above.

Just remember that when life becomes too overwhelming, you are far stronger than you think.