A Journey to Self-Discovery – Finding Your Purpose in Life

Self-discovery is a journey that everyone should consistently strive to be on. Here you will learn the importance of self-discovery and how it will help you to find your purpose in life.

The idea of going on a journey to self-discovery is really exciting. It sounds like so much fun to think of new ways to discover who you really are, and home in on your passions in life. We all want to know our purpose in life, so when the time comes to go on this journey, jumping in with both feet seems the way to go.

You may be so focused on taking care of and providing for others, that you forget about yourself and your own importance. It is vital that you self-reflect and concentrate on your values and your emotional and mental capacity, so that if giving is your passion, your tank is not always on the verge of being empty.

Maybe you are lost, and you find yourself just wandering through life with no destination mind. When you are finally ready to take this step, it will take determination and will to keep on walking.

This post is all about self-discovery and why getting to know yourself on a more intimate level is so important.

What is self-discovery?

This is a journey into your own personal beliefs and insight into your character. How you would define who you are in your core. Your values, your identity, your presence; this is a journey that opens you up to your vulnerabilities and teaches you how to take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. It will teach you how to show up for yourself, express yourself, and step outside of your comfort zone, even when everything in you wants to stay hidden from the world.

You will learn who you are on a deeper level. Your desires, your principles, your life’s purpose, these are some of the things that we should all strive to have a connection with.

It won’t be easy, some days you may want to give up. You may even question why you are putting yourself through this mental, emotional, mental turmoil when life was good enough. I can tell you with confidence that good enough is not good enough. At least for me. Show yourself some grace, this is a new journey. I will not look clean; it may not even look nice and “aesthetic”. You may cry, you may get angry you may doubt yourself, but I also believe that there is another side to this story. You will also feel happiness, relief, joy and contentment, because you know that you are doing everything you can to heal past traumas.

What does this process look like?


A great first step is to become self-aware. There are so many Self assessments and personality tests that you can take that will go into detail what category of person you fit into. These tests are not to say that you are one way and can never change; they are just very good at explaining why you are the way the way you are, and why you react to certain situations in the way that you do. Not only are these tests a great way for you to understand where you are now, but they can also be used as a roadmap to where you want to go in the future.

Ask yourself the tough questions

The thing about self-discovery is that it will be hard work. You are going to have to get real with yourself. Ask yourself the tough questions. Don’t just ask them, answer them and be as honest as you can, even if it looks ugly.


Writing down your thoughts gives you clarity when things can seem jumbled and mixed up. It is easy to go day to day just going through the motions, and sometimes writing it all down can free you from what feels too heavy to keep inside. When you write things down, it gives you the opportunity to release those things that you did not even realize you were holding on to.

This is important because sometimes the thing holding you back on your journey to self-discovery are the things that you are afraid to let go of. Journaling gives you the outlet that you need to process your emotions in a safe and neutral space.

Try new things-get out of your comfort zone

Introverts, (my people) don’t leave me now. Most of us are very content with the status quo, and doing things outside of our comfort zone is not always easy or exciting. Saying yes to and trying new things may very well be your biggest teacher. It will give you the opportunity to meet new people and learn more about yourself. It will expose you to new things, which will give you more to talk about. Ultimately, stepping outside of your comfort zone is a great road to take on your journey to self-discovery.

Helpful self-discovery questions to ask yourself.

  1. What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses?
  2. What are my main and secondary core values?
  3. What are the things that I dislike about myself?
  4. What are the things that I love about myself?
  5. How do others feel about me and my character?
  6. What holds me back from being my true authentic self?
  7. Do I feel seen, heard and valued?
  8. Can I be honest with myself about my mental and emotional state of mind?
  9. How comfortable am I with expressing myself?

The list goes on and on with the questions that you can and should ask yourself. Be truthful, be mindful, but most of all be yourself. Don’t answer in a way that you THINK you should answer. Don’t make things up to make it seem like you are in a better place than you are. This process is about growth, and the only way that can happen is if you are real with yourself.

This Post is all about your journey to self-discovery and how important it is to know and understand yourself on a deeper level. It is a simple guide that you can use when you are ready to take the necessary steps to be your whole and authentic self.